(Formerly ON3MS)

Wavre, Belgium LOC : JO20hq CQ Zone 14 / ITU Zone 27


Welcome on ON4AI station's web page.

This website and all documents it contains are designed to provide you some details in order to complete your logbook.
Which means "assuming we already had a QSO".

However, other documents could be available from time to time, such as antenna designs, or microstrip lines information, and so on.
Just keep in mind that these documents are not the purpose of these page and are given "as they are" - Some times in English, some times not.

Latest news

OO4AI callsign

Due to belgian king Albert II abdication and accession to the throne of his son, prince Philippe, belgian administration authorizes all belgian stations to use the prefix "OO" instead of "ON" from July 21th to September 20th 2013.

I have no specific QSL cards at the moment. Their printing will depends on number of QSO made during the allowed time.

I really thank you for your understanding if you receive an "ON4AI" QSL card instead of "OO4AI" one.


eMail - ‹my callsign› at uba dot be